Some news about BALMY

Before I begin, I want to start by saying a massive thank you to all of you.  Your support has been wonderful, and I'm grateful for every sale, interaction or engagement with BALMY.  I hope my products have brought joy to you and your homes too.

It's not been an easy decision by any stretch to close BALMY so I wanted to explain my decision.

Times have been tough on a lot of small businesses, and mine has been no exception – financially the business just doesn’t wash its face.

But if I’m being honest, for me it’s more a case of BALMY having run its course.

When I first started BALMY, the idea wasn’t borne out of any major problem to solve or gap in the market. It originated out of selfishness – I wanted to see if I could create my own brand and to tap into the creative side of my brain which wasn’t being nourished in my corporate job.

It’s pretty obvious that there are too many fragrance brands out there, and my brand wasn’t distinctive enough to cut through. I’ve run out of energy and motivation to make it work - just keeping the business going at a bare minimum requires a huge amount of time and effort and since I took on a new job at the end of 2023 I’ve been struggling to find any time to devote to BALMY.

I’d rather focus that energy into creating something new and truly distinctive, when the right time comes. For now I will be happy to have some spare time and be more present for my family.

Thanks so much again for everything – for taking a chance on my unknown brand and helping me follow my dreams for a little while.

Until next time


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